Sunscreens are equivalent to pharmaceutical formulations

Infact, in the US, they are categorized as drugs and subjected to stringent regulations for each constituting component. Similarly, the regulatory controls and quality requirements for sun safe products are getting notched up at global scale.


A Tightrope between Skin Protection and Aesthetics

Most sunscreen filters are heavy oils (leading to greasy formulations) or minerals (leaving white cast). It gets difficult to achieve the right feel and meet the required regulatory guidelines at the same time.

Combining optimal stable SPF/ PA along with desirable aesthetics in Suncare is a challenging problem.


Our Sunscreens excel on these Metrics

  • performs-high


  • performs-high


  • performs-high

    Critical wavelength

  • 3 of Top 15 sunscreens on Amazon come from us

    We have been formulating Sunscreens for the last 17 years. Our researchers and experts are master sunscreen formulators, continuously experimenting and upgrading their formulations

  • Consistently delivering on the claims

    FDA and CDSCO have tightened their regulations and guidelines than ever before. From restricting the use of certain ingredients to stricter labeling guidelines - influencing the sunscreen production at each step

We have brought in India’s first

  • indiaFirst
    Blue light protection sunscreen
  • indiaFirst
  • indiaFirst
    IR protection sunscreen
  • indiaFirst

We have kept up with these demands and anchored on with our formulation

Lets Talk